The grasslands shall be wreaked by furious gales the day that Temulch awakens his inner power. His ancestral legends are burned into his mind, and the glory he seeks is so near he can almost taste it. The Grey Wolf shall strike again.
Hero attributes

Tarka Ji urges on his internal energies. After a time, he enters a defensive state in which he can block any melee attack. Press [CLICK] to initiate a counterattack and [Burn] debuff on the enemy after successful defenses.nThis defensive state lasts for 3 sec, which can be interrputed by Dodge, Jump and Crouch.n[Burn]: Losing health and armor within 5 sec and the health recovery effect decreases by 50%.
Tarka Ji urges on his internal energies. After a time, he enters a defensive state in which he can block melee attacks. Pressing [CLICK] after a successful block initiates a counterat-tack on the enemy and [Burn] debuff on the enemy. Pressing [CLICK] after 1 successful block initiates a counterattack on the enemy. Achieving multiple successive blocks empowers this counterattack.
Tarka Ji molds his internal energy into a huge fireball that knocks back enemies and deals huge damage with a [Burn] effect.
Tarka Ji envelops himself in flame, repelling nearby enemies and significantly improving his agility. He may also block non-explosive projectiles while sprinting and deal [Burn] effect with certain actions.
This ultimate increases his Energy recovery rate and consumes Rage while in use. The ultimate ends when Rage depletes. Hold [V] to end it manually.
Can be used while under attack.
[Burn]: Losing health and armor within 5 sec and the health recovery effect decreases by 50%.
Tarka Ji envelops himself in flame, repelling nearby enemies and significantly improving his agility. He may also block non-explosive projectiles while sprinting and deal [Burn] effect with certain actions.
Having initiated [Blackout], [Inner Fire] doesn’t enter cooldown, but consumes Tarka A’s ultimate energy.
He will no longer gain increased Energy re-covery and he cannot use it while under attack.
Tarka Ji envelops himself in flame, repelling nearby enemies and significantly improving his agility. He may also block non-explosive projectiles while sprinting and deal [Burn] effect with certain actions, increasing attack power in the meanwhile.
Blackout: Frenzy makes his Rage deplete faster, but dealing damages to enemies can restore Rage.